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Personnel Committee Minutes 1/18/07


PRESENT:  Members Jennie Greene, Susan Heilbron, Max McCreery and Richard Williams.  Also present:  Stephen Lewenberg and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Absent:  Executive Secretary Tim Carroll, Staff Liaison Polly McDowell and Selectmen’s Liaison Riggs Parker,

MEETING MINUTES:  The 1/05/07 meeting minutes were reviewed and discussed.  Ms. Heilbron made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Mr. Williams seconded and the vote was three in favor with one abstention (Mr. McCreery).

STEPHEN LEWENBERG:  Mr. Lewenberg introduced himself and expressed his desire to serve on the Board.  The Board welcomed Mr. Lewenberg, thanked him for volunteering and welcomed his comments throughout today’s meeting.

SHELLFISH CONSTABLE JOB DESCRIPTION:  The Board reviewed the latest job description for the Shellfish Propagation Agent.  They discussed and agreed to tighten two sections as follows:  D.  Add that this person will use discretion and independent judgment in determining the appropriate techniques to accomplish the goals established by the Shellfish Steering Committee.  M.  Add that this person will work with the Chilmark Conservation Commission as deemed necessary.  Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the amendments to the job description.  Ms. Heilbron seconded the motion.  There was further discussion specifying this job should be a salaried, exempt position.  Upon agreement Ms. Greene made a motion to retract the prior motion and approve the job description with the additional classification as salaried, exempt.  The motion was seconded by Mr. McCreery and voted unanimously in favor.

FIRE CHIEF TOWN BENEFITS:  Chuck H. reviewed the opinion of legal counsel on whether or not the Town may offer subsidized medical benefits to the Fire Chief position.  After brief discussion Ms. Heilbron made a motion to recommend the Board of Selectmen add subsidized medical benefits to the Fire Chief position’s compensation package.  It was further clarified that this recommendation is for medical benefits only and excludes paid leave benefits.  Mr. Williams seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

PERSONNEL BYLAW ADDITION:  Chuck H. reviewed the final draft of the addition to the Personnel Bylaw Section 1.2 with the required next steps.  The Board agreed to advertise for a public hearing to be held on Thursday, February 8, 2007 @ 7:30 PM.  

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:25 AM.
Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.